İŞKUR Youth Programme Begins
What is İŞKUR Youth Programme?
İŞKUR Youth Programme is an active labour force programme with a labour force adaptation programme application, which is organised by the Turkish Employment Agency in cooperation with the state universities included in the annexed list of the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018 published in the Official Gazette dated 10.12.2003 and numbered 25326 in order to provide university students with the knowledge, skills, work habits and discipline that will increase their employability.
How Many Quota Allocated to Our University in the Programme?
In İŞKUR Youth Programme, 530 quotas were allocated for students studying at Yalova University
When and Where to Apply for the Programme?
Students will be able to apply to İŞKUR Youth Programme between 14-18 February 2025 via e-branch with the guidance links on https://genclik.iskur.gov.tr/ and https://www.iskur.gov.tr/
Announcements have been made for 6 units within Yalova University for application to the programme.
Campus Rectorate-SKS Department: 300
Yalova Vocational School: 100
Altınova Vocational School: 20
Çınarcık Vocational School: 50
Termal Vocational School: 30
Armutlu Vocational School: 30
Important!!! Candidates can only apply to one announcement. It is important not to apply to the wrong announcement by examining the application screen in detail.
Who Can Apply?
Students with the following conditions can apply to the programme:
- To be an associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral student who hasn't frozen his/her registration and/or is not in inactive status in the formal education of our university (not to be a distance education student).
- To be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey.
- To be registered with İşkur.
- To have completed 18 years of age.
- Not receiving old age or disability pension.
- Not to be an employee of the contractor or its affiliated, related, associated and subsidiary organisations from one year before the date of the programme request until the date the programme will actually start.
- Not to be insured short or long term in the last one month before the application date (to be unemployed).
- No to have short-term insurance premiums paid as of the application date (not being an apprentice student, IEP participant, etc.)
- Household income not to exceed 3 times the Net Minimum Wage (66.314 TL)
- Not to be a beneficiary of active labour force or unemployment insurance (not receiving unemployment benefit) programmes offered by İşkur.
How will the selection for the programme be made?
The draw will be made in the presence of a notary public on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 at 10.00 at the Mehmet Okul Congress and Culture Centre.
How long is the weekly benefit period in the Youth Programme?
Within the scope of the programme, which gives students the opportunity to work in a field of their choice in accordance with their interests and abilities while studying, the weekly benefit period is applied as a maximum of twenty-two and a half hours and three days.
How Much Will the Student Participating in the Programme Be Paid?
Young people participating in the programme will be paid a daily pocket money of 1083 TL for 2025.
Number of working days per week Wage to be paid per month
1 day a week (4 days a month) 4.332 TL
2 days a week (8 days a month) 8.664 TL
3 days a week (12 days a month) 12.996 TL
What are the Social Security Premiums to be Paid for Participants?
For the days that the participants participate in the programme, 5.5% the social security premium expenses that will arise within the scope of subparagraph (e) of the first paragraph of Article 5 of the Law No. 5510 are paid
What are the Areas of Activity that can be implemented under the Youth Programme?
a) Sustainable Campus Activities;
b) Campus Infrastructure and Maintenance Activities;
c) Social and Cultural Activities;
ç) Academic and Administrative Activities;
d) Social Service and Cooperation Activities;
e) Student Development and Adaptation Activities;
f) Digital Transformation and Innovation Activities;
g) Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Activities;
Students cannot be employed in Heavy Dangerous / Highly Dangerous and Cleaning Works
What are the Trainings for Youth Programme Participants?
a) Occupational health and safety,
b) Combating addiction,
c) Job search skills,
ç) Work ethics, motivation and stress management,
d) Interpersonal relations and effective communication,
e) Financial literacy,
f) Other trainings that may be determined by the General Directorate in order to improve the quality of the participants, especially the introduction of İşkur and informing the participants about the IUP, and any other training that may be determined at the stage of allocation of funds,
g) Other trainings to be determined by the contractor public institution for its field of activity.
Can Participants Work in Another Job While Continuing the Programme?
Participants can work in another workplace as insured under Article 4 of the Law No. 5510 while continuing the programme. However, the Institution cannot be held responsible for the social security premium debt that may arise due to the participants being insured elsewhere while continuing the programme.